How does your product work?
Our software will automatically send out review invitations via email or text for you during the best times, four times in a two week time span. As for your customers, all they need to do is click on your smart review link and write a review.

You will need to manually invite a customer the first time, as we currently do not integrate with apps to automate a follow-up immediately after a service/purchase. Alternatively, we can automatically bulk invite your past customers if you have a customer list (.CSV file). We can do this on your behalf.
Why do follow-ups matter?
You capture more reviews.

On average, people tend to react and respond to advertisements (direct mail, door hangers, or yard signs), emails, and other marketing channels after they've seen them 3 - 4 times. People get busy and forget.

If you only ask or tell prospective customers about your service once, you dismiss the additional opportunities you have to get reviews/business.

Keep your brand top of mind with multiple impressions, more reviews, and follow-ups.
What are smart links?
Links that immediately direct your customer to review prompt areas on your respective review platforms. This makes it easy for your customer to leave a review -- they no longer have to look for your listing.