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Best Google Review Cards For Service Based Businesses

September 22, 2024

Google Review Cards make it easier for your customers to leave a review via a QR scan or tap. They are usually fairly simple to set up once you have a Google business profile.

These cards have been a staple item for small businesses after 2020, especially for home services that require technicians and crews to visit homes.

It's never been easier to ask and collect a customer review. Nowadays you can stand out and grow your business locally with review cards. And of course, with less guilt about soliciting for them.

Realistically, you should never feel bad about asking for a review anyway, customers are accustomed to being asked for feedback daily. Plus, what other way better is there than growing awareness of your brand by word of mouth?

In this article, we'll discuss how to find the Best Google review card for your business.

Copy and paste Google reviews link prompt

Three things to consider before purchasing a Google Review Card

As with most marketing investments, you should have criteria for why a Google review card is better than another.

They may all look and function the same, but the reality is, that options exist for you to provide a unique experience for your customer and business.

You should definitely evaluate live and dynamic cards, so you can make informed decisions on the data you receive from reviews as well as use them with software to help you get even more value and reviews.

Static review cards will only help you collect reviews and that's that.

The best Google review cards have so much more to offer and here are three questions you should ask first to know if you have or made a good choice :

- What more can I get out of the NFC review card?
- How can review cards complement investments I've made in marketing, advertising, and other software programs?
- Will this actually work and be customizable to my business needs?

We'll expand on what to look for in each one in the section below.

What more can I get out of the NFC review card?

With dynamic Google review cards, you can get so much more value as they are connected to the cloud and software programs. Static review cards on the other hand, you would need to reprint the card to reflect most of your changes.

Reputigo's Smart Review Badges are a perfect example of this, they can be a normal Google review card when you need them to be, but at the same time, they are customizable to help you collect reviews on other platforms or even feedback instead of a review.

Typically, you would need to display and purchase multiple review cards for different actions and platforms.

Instruction on how to tap your phone to leave a Google review
Redistribute your reviews on marketing and advertising material

You can share them. You can redistribute reviews to create content. You can show off reviews on your website, flyers, and door hangers. The list goes on, and these are mostly things software and digital products can help you with. And as time goes on for sure, a realm, we at Reputigo will visit.

Capturing data is important and helps you make decisions

When we say data, we mean how many customers scanned your card to leave a Google review but didn't?

This information helps you find out if it's the timing for when you ask a review or the location your card is at doesn't work or which technicians aren't being proactive in asking for the review. The list goes on and dynamic cards position your business to best capture the most important data you need to grow your business.

Most valuable would be the ability to retarget customers that have not left a review to write one at a later date and Reputigo can do this, so long as the contact data of your customer exists. You can create a customer list of old customers and ask them to leave a review.

Static cards, the ones you buy off the shelf with no customization have an impossible task of getting you this information.

How can review cards complement investments I've made in marketing, advertising, and software programs?

If your philosophy is to grow your business by word of mouth, it's important to collect reviews and to have a good rating. There is no better source of word-of-mouth advertising than reviews.

This is where your review card purchases come in. You want dynamic cards that work and are tailored to your growing business.

A great example for where NFC enabled review cards are complementary to marketing, is if you're a youthful home service company with the latest vehicle wrap and graphics.

Review cards allow you and your crew to ask for reviews anywhere, in a fashionable and innovative manner. Customers usually think it's magical when they can tap to leave a review. It's a memorable moment for some.

To take it even further, you can automate the review experience with review management programs that pair with cards.

Reputigo's review management software can tie back to your card and QuickBooks app, so you never miss out on an opportunity to ask for a Google or Facebook review. If you need to leave and don't have time to ask a review with the card, our software can request on your behalf at a later time.

Some people may also not be logged in their accounts, so software is a great way to revisit them.

Will this actually work and be customizable to my business needs?

Form with option to leave a review or direct feedback

Are you a business owner that prefers to have a way to collect feedback instead of a review being left immediately or you're fine with whatever comes at you? There are both types of operators.

Some owners are cautious or even afraid of soliciting for reviews because of their fear of receiving a negative one.

To be honest, more often than not, an unhappy customer is most likely to leave you a review unprompted. Especially if they didn't get the level of service they anticipated, so don't worry too much. Plus, Reputigo has you covered, if you want feedback instead of a review, that can be done with our dynamic review cards.

And of course, you want a review card that can grow with your business in terms of customization and functionality, static cards do not have this luxury.

What Google Review Card should I get for my home service business?

You definitely want to consider the above points to determine what would be best for you business. Some cards are more robust than others and over the long run, cost-effective to your business needs.

Free Google Review Cards

These are usually static and can easily be made using QR codes which we discuss using Reputigo here. You can quickly create one using our platform and then designing it elsewhere.

One-Time Purchase Review Card

Cards without monthly payments. Reputigo has a great option for these, and they also come with a free trial of review management software. This way, you can experience a different way of collecting reviews at no cost or obligation.

An example would be the ability to invite all your past customers to leave a review.

After the trial period, your card will work normally as any other Google review card.

Wrapping it up

Best is subjective. However, for Google review cards, you can never go wrong with a dynamic card versus a static one. If you're starting as a small business owner, Reputigo has you covered with free Google review cards you can create with QR codes. On the other hand, if you're more established and looking for new ways to get more reviews, our Smart Review Badges can help.